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About Python pitfalls

During the development of the Core engine and all the services, we have encountered some pitfalls that are worth mentioning.


  • Circular dependencies: Because of the way Python imports modules, circular dependencies can be a problem. For example, if you have two modules that import each other, you will get an ImportError. To avoid this, we used what is called forward references. What it does is that it allows you to reference a class that is not yet defined, but will be defined later. This is done by using a string instead of the actual class. For example, if you have two classes, A and B, and A references B, you can do the following: python class A: b: 'B' class B: pass This way, you can avoid the circular dependency problem.
  • Inheritance: The class diagram we created for the Core engine is a good example of this. We wanted a unique entity called ExecutionUnit to be the parent of Service and Pipeline but we couldn't do it because of the way SQLModel works with inheritance for the database. For now we have two separate entities, Service and Pipeline, that have the same attributes. This is not a big problem but it is something to keep in mind.

How and why do we use Python

The Core engine and all the services are developed using Python.

Install Python

Download the installation package for your operating system on the official Download center and install it (we currently use 3.11 in our codebase).



Resources and alternatives

These resources and alternatives are related to the current item (in alphabetical order).