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How to configure a new GitHub repository

This guide will help you in the steps to configure a new GitHub repository to make usage of most of the GitHub features.

Create a new repository from a template

If you are creating a new service, start by creating a new repository from a template as mentioned in the How to create a new service guide.

If you are creating a new project, start by creating a new repository.

Update the repository details

Access the repository details (you can click the cog icon in the top right corner of the repository to get the menu) as shown in the following screenshot:

How to configure a new GitHub repository - Details How to configure a new GitHub repository - Details

  • Add a meaningful description of the repository in the Description field.
  • Add a link to the documentation of the repository in the Website field as mentioned in the How to update the documentation guide.
  • Add tags to the repository in the Topics field.
  • All the other settings can be left to their default values.

Update the repository settings

Access the repository settings by accessing the Settings tab of the repository as shown in the following screenshot:

How to configure a new GitHub repository - Settings How to configure a new GitHub repository - Settings



  • Disable Wikis.
  • Disable Projects.

Pull Requests

  • Disable Merge commits.
  • Change Allow squash merging > Default commit message to Pull request title.
  • Disable Allow rebase merging.
  • Enable Automatically delete head branches.

Danger Zone

Change the visibility of the repository to Private if you want to keep the repository private or to Public if you want to make it public.

Collaborators and teams

Add teams and collaborators to the repository as needed. For most of the Swiss AI Center projects, we recommend to add the following teams:


Add a new branch protection rule for the main branch with the following settings:

  • Branch name pattern: main.
  • Enable Require a pull request before merging.
  • Enable Require approvals with 1 required approval.
  • Enable Restrict who can push to matching branches.
  • Enable Restrict pushes that create matching branches.
    • Add the @swiss-ai-center/core-developers team.
  • Enable Allow force pushes.
  • Select Specify who can force push.
    • Add the @swiss-ai-center/core-developers team.

All the other settings can be left to their default values.