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hugging face text-to-image



More information about the service specification can be found in the Core concepts > Service documentation.

This service uses Hugging Face's inference API to query text-to-image AI models.

You can choose from any model available on the inference API from the Hugging Face Hub that takes a text(JSON) as input and outputs an image.

It must take only one JSON input with the following structure:

    "inputs" : "your input text"

This service takes two input files:

  • A JSON file that defines the model you want to use and your access token.
  • A text file.

json example:

    "api_token": "your_token", "api_url":

input_text example:

A majestic Hummingbird

This service creates the JSON payload with the input text and queries the given model. The generated image is returned as a PNG.

The API documentation for this service is automatically generated by FastAPI using the OpenAPI standard. A user-friendly interface provided by Swagger is available under the /docs route, where the endpoints of the service are described.

Environment variables

Check the Core concepts > Service > Environment variables documentation for more details.

Run the tests with Python

Check the Core concepts > Service > Run the tests with Python documentation for more details.

Start the service locally

Check the Core concepts > Service > Start the service locally documentation for more details.