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More information about the service specification can be found in the Core concepts > Service documentation.

This service will use Yolov8 to analyse the image content according to the selected model type:

  • detect: object detection
  • segment: object segmentation
  • pose: human pose estimation
  • classify: image classification

The API documentation is automatically generated by FastAPI using the OpenAPI standard. A user friendly interface provided by Swagger is available under the /docs route, where the endpoints of the service are described.

This simple service only has one route /compute that takes an image and the model type in text format as input, and the image will be analyzed according to the selected model type.

Environment variables

Check the Core concepts > Service > Environment variables documentation for more details.

Run the tests with Python

Check the Core concepts > Service > Run the tests with Python documentation for more details.

Start the service locally

Check the Core concepts > Service > Start the service locally documentation for more details.